Natural Enhancement Services: Lash Perm & Lash Tint with Sovay, Aesthetician, Salon Sovay

Before Lash Perm and Lash Tint...front profile

After Lash Perm and Lash Tint...front profile

Before Lash Perm and Lash Tint...side profile

After Lash Perm and Lash Tint...side profile
After Lash Perm and Lash Tint...another side profile

I love creating subtle, natural beauty enhancements with lash perms and tints. These services really open up the eyes and makes them pop. They are great for those who lack pigment, curl, and definition in their eyelashes. Adding color and curl can change the whole appearance of the eyes, thus creating a whole new look for the face.~Sovay Reeder, Aesthetician & Stylist, Salon Sovay
