Small and natural lip filler in Austin with Sovay Reeder, medical injector

My patient was a "filler virgin" meaning no filler had touched her face! I was beyond excited to take on the challenge. I could tell right away she wanted a very natural look so I went with JUVEDERM Vollure which I find is very malleable and easy to mold. Another great choice could have been Merz Belotero OR JUVEDERM Volbella OR Restalyne Silk due to it's low viscosity and G-Prime factor (translation - it's a super "thin" filler) but I went the JUVEDERM Vollure route instead this time. I injected .5 mls to her right and left oral commissures alone. Due to those pesky depressor anguli oris muscles which caused her lips to have a default frown, I injected 2 strong support columns on the right and left outer corner to turn her frown upside down...wave bye bye to those depressor muscles...bueno bye :) Ok - back to the lips...I injected a little there, too...the remaining .5 mls...but just a tiny bit. I didn't want to make her look too much different for fear this would not make her happy. I asked her permission to inject just a tiny bit in her top lip belly/middle of her top lips only...not the sides of her lips. I then injected a very small amount in her lower, middle vermillion to add a sharp distinction in her lip edge and create a lower middle dip to that bottom lip. So I feel the "after" photo looks very natural and just an enhanced and well hydrated lip aesthetic. My patient was happy and we had a fun experience creating that well rested, well hydrated smile :)

Medical Injector: Sovay Reeder
Filler: JUVEDERM Vollure
Salon Sovay
2444 S. 1st Street Austin TX 78704
(512) 519-9937, leave a voicemail or even better a TEXT...we'll get back to you!
